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62. Malik, K., and Robertson, C. 2021. Landscape Similarity Analysis Using Texture Encoded Deep-Learning Features on Unclassified Remote Sensing Imagery. Remote Sensing. 13(3), 492


61. Chaudhuri, C., and Robertson, C. 2020. CliGAN: A Structurally Sensitive Convolutional Neural Network Model for Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation from Multi-Model Ensembles. Water. 12(12), 3353;

60. Wade, J., Stephen, C., and Robertson, C. 2020. Mapping Rocky Mountain ridged mussel beds with preliminary identification of overlapping Eurasian watermilfoil within the Canadian range. Nature Conservation. 42: 19-31.

59. Mathieu, A., Parmley, J.E. , McBurney, S., Robertson, C., Van Doninck, H., and Daoust, P-Y. In Press. Causes of Mortality in Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in the Canadian Maritime Provinces, 1991-2016. Canadian Wildlife Biology & Management.

58. Lawrence, H., Robertson, C., Feick, R., and Nelson, T. In Press. The spatial-comprehensiveness (S-COM) Index: Identifying optimal spatial extents in user generated content. International Journal of Geographic Information.

57. Robertson, C. In Press. Traversing the EcoHealthScape: The final frontier in understanding shared determinants of health at the animal-society interface. In: Ed. Stephen, C.  Animals, Health and Society: Health Promotion, Harm Reduction and Health Equity in a One Health World

56. Hojati, M., and Robertson, C. 2020. Integrating cellular automata and discrete global grid systems: a case study into wildfire modelling. AGILE GIScience Ser., 1, 6, 2020. link

55. Karim, M., McLeman, R., and Robertson, C. 2020. Reconstruction of past backyard skating seasons in the Original Six NHL cities from citizen science data. The Canadian Geographer. link

54. Chaudhuri, C., Wade, J., and Robertson, C. 2020. Fluctuating water levels influence access to critical habitats for threatened Cowichan Lake lamprey. Facets. 5(1):488-502. link

53. Bondaruk, B., Roberts, S., and Robertson, C. 2020. Assessing the State of the Art in Discrete Global Grid Systems: OGC Criteria and Present Functionality. Geomatica. 74(1): 9-30. link

52.Robertson, C., Chaudhuri, C., Hojati, M., & Roberts, S.A. 2020 Integrated discrete environmental analytics system (IDEAS) based on a DGGS. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 162: 214-228. link


51.Malik, K., & Robertson, C. 2019. Exploring the Use of Computer Vision Metrics for Spatial Pattern Comparison. Geographical Analysis,.

50. Robertson, C. & Feick, R. 2019. Geographical Expertise: From Places to Processes and Back Again. Chapter in ‘The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies’ link


49. Greig, C., Robertson, C., & Lacerda, A. 2018. Spectral-temporal modelling of bamboo-dominated forest succession in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. Ecological Modelling. 384(24):316-332. Abstract

48. Shankardass, K., Robertson, C., Shaughnessy, K., Sykora, M., & Feick, R. 2018. A unified ecological framework for studying effects of digital places on well-being. Social Science and Medicine. In Press. Abstract

47. Robertson, C., & Feick, R. 2018. Inference and analysis across spatial supports in the big data era: Uncertain point observations and geographic contexts. Transactions in GIS. 22:455-76. Abstract

46. Long, J., Robertson, C., & Nelson, T. 2018. stampr: Spatial-temporal analysis of moving polygons. Journal of Statistical Software. 84(Code Snippet 1) Abstract

45. Robertson, C., & Horrocks, K. 2017. Spatial Context from Open and Online Processing (SCOOP): Geographic, Temporal, and Thematic Analysis of Online Information Source. ISPRS International Journal of Geographic Information. 6(7):193. Abstract

44. Ferster, C.J., Nelson, T., Robertson, C., & Feick, R. 2017. Current Themes in Volunteered Geographic Information. Ch. in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. In Press.

43. Robertson, C., & Feick, R. 2017. Defining Local Experts: Geographical expertise as a basis for geographic information quality. COSIT-2017. In Press.

42. Robertson, C., Feick, R., Sykora, M., Shankardass, K., & Shaughnessy, K. 2017. Personal Activity Centres and Geosocial Data Analysis: Combining Big Data with Small Data. In Societal Geo-innovation (pp. 145–161). Springer, Cham. article

41. Shaughnessy, K., Reyes, R., Shankardass, K., Sykora, M., Feick, R., Lawrence, H., and Robertson, C. 2017. Using Geo-located Social Media for Ecological Momentary Assessments of Emotion: Innovative Opportunities in Psychology Science and Practice. Accepted. Canadian Psychology.


40. Robertson, C. Space-time topological graphs. International Conference on GIScience Short Paper Proceedings, 1(1). article

39. Robertson C., and Yee, L. Avian Influenza Risk Surveillance in North America with Online Media. PLoS One article

38. Vrbova, L., Patrick, D.M., Stephen, C., Robertson, C., Koehoorn, M., Parmley, E.J., De With, N.I., and Galanis, E. 2016. Utility of algorithms for the analysis of integrated Salmonella surveillance data. Epidemiology and Infection. article.

37. Robertson, C., Yee, L., Metelka, J., and Stephen, C. 2016. Spatial data issues in geographical zoonoses research. The Canadian Geographer. In Press. article

36. Robertson, C. 2015. Towards a geocomputational landscape epidemiology: surveillance, modelling, and interventions. GeoJournal. In Press. article

35. Robertson, C., McLeman and Lawrence, H. 2015. Winters too warm to skate? Citizen-science reported variability in availability of outdoor skating in Canada. The Canadian Geographer. In Press. article

34. Robertson, C., and Feick, R. 2015. Bumps and bruises in the digital skins of cities: unevenly distributed user-generated content across US urban areas. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. In Press. article

33. Sykora, M.D., Robertson, C., Shankardass, K., Feick, R., Shaughnessy, K., Coates, B., Lawrence, H. and Jackson, T. 2015. Stresscapes: validating linkages between place and stress expression on social media. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. article

32. Metelka, J., Robertson, and Stephen, C. 2015. Japanese Encephalitis: Estimating Future Trends in Asia. AIMS Public Health 2 (4): 601–15. article

31. Lawrence, H., Robertson, Feick, R., and Nelson, T.A. 2015. Identifying optimal study areas and spatial aggregation units for point-based VGI from multiple sources. Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modeling and Applications. Oct 6-8, 2014. Toronto, Canada. article

30. Feick, R., and C. Robertson. 2015. Inferring spatial regimes of urban place agreement from heterogeneous user-generated content. Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modeling and Applications. Oct 6-8, 2014. Toronto, Canada. article

29. Plouffe, C. C. F., Robertson, C. and Chandrapala, L. 2015. Comparing interpolation techniques for monthly rainfall mapping using multiple evaluation criteria and auxiliary data sources: A case study of Sri Lanka.  Environmental Modelling and Software, 67:57-71. article

28. Anholt, R. M., J. Berezowski, C. Robertson, and C. Stephen. 2015. Spatial-temporal Clustering of Companion Animal Enteric Syndrome: Detection and Investigation Through the Use of Electronic Medical Records from Participating Private Practices. Epidemiology & Infection – FirstView (December): 1–12.  article


27. Gunawardana, S., Thilakarathne, D., Abegunawardana, I.S., Abeynayake, P.,  Robertson, P. and Stephen, C. 2014. Risk factors for bovine mastitis in the Central Province of Sri Lanka. Tropical Animal Health and Production. article

26. Robertson, C., Long, J. A., Nathoo, F. S., Nelson, T. A., Plouffe, C. C. F. 2014. Assessing quality of spatial models using the structural similarity index and posterior predictive checks. Geographical Analysis, 46(1): 53-74. article

25. Feick, R. and Robertson, C. 2014. A multi-scale approach to exploring urban places in geotagged photographs. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems. article

24. Robertson, C. Nelson, T.A. 2014. An overview of spatial analysis of emerging infectious diseases. The Professional Geographer, 66(4):579-588. article


23. Robertson, C. and Roberts, S. (2013). Bivariate Spatial Clustering Analysis of Point Patterns: A graph-based approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7971: 403-418. article

22. Fritz, C.E., Schuurman, N., Robertson, C. and Lear, C. (2013). A scoping review of spatial cluster analysis techniques for point-event data. Geospatial Health, 7: 183-198. article

21. Robertson, C., Pant, D.K., Joshi, D.D., Sharma, M., Dahal, M. and Stephen, C. (2013). Comparative spatial dynamics of Japanese Encephalitis and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome in Nepal. PLoS One, 8(7): e66168. article

20. Bone C, Wulder M, White J, Robertson C,  and Nelson T. (2013).  The impact of forest pattern on host selection by mountain pine beetle at different beetle population densities. Forests, 4(2): 279-295. article

19. Bone C, Wulder M, White J, Robertson C, and Nelson T. (2013). A GIS-based risk rating of forest insect outbreaks using aerial overview surveys and the local Moran’s I statistic. Applied Geography, 40: 161-170. article


18. Long, J.A., Robertson, C., Nathoo, F.S., Nelson, T.A.(2012) A Bayesian space-time model for discrete spread processes on a lattice. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 3:151-162. article

17. Munasinghe, N., Stephen, C., Robertson, C., and Abeynayake, P. (2012). Farm level and geographic predictors of antibiotic use in Sri Lankan shrimp farms. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 24:22-29. article

16. Nelson, T.A., and Robertson, C. (2012). Refining spatial neighbourhoods to capture terrain effects. (2012). Ecological Processes, 1:3. article

15. Robertson, C., Nelson, T.A., Stephen, C. (2012). Spatial epidemiology of suspected clinical leptospirosis in Sri Lanka. Epidemiology and Infection.140:731-743. DOI.


14. Sawford, K., Robertson, C., Gunawardena, S., and Stephen, C., (2011). Development and application of a framework for emerging infectious disease intelligence in low-to-middle income settings. Journal of Bioterrorism and Biodefense, S4:001

13. Robertson, C., Sawford, K., Gunawardana, W.S.N., Nelson, T.A., Nathoo, F., & Stephen, C. (2011). A hidden
markov model for analysis of frontline veterinary data for emerging zoonotic disease surveillance. PLoS One, 6:e24833.

12. Sawford, K., Robertson, C., Gunawardena, S., and Stephen, C., (2011). Building emerging infectious disease intelligence in low-middle income countries:  The potential role for mobile phone-based surveillance systems. Epidmiologie et Sant Animale, 59-60: 61-63


11. Robertson, C., Sawford, K., Daniel, S.L.A., Nelson, T.A., Stephen, C. (2010). Mobile Phone-based Infectious Disease Surveillance System, Sri Lanka. Emerging Infectious Dieases. 15(10):1524 article

10. Robertson, C., Nelson, T.A., MacNab, Y.C., Lawson, A.B. (2010). Review of methods for space-time disease surveillance. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology. 1:105-116. DOI

9. Robertson, C., Nelson, T.A. (2010). Review of software for space-time disease surveillance. International Journal of Health Geographics. 9:16. article


8. Nelson, T.A., Duffus, D., Robertson, C., Laberee, K. and Feyrer, L.J. (2009). Spatial-temporal analysis of marine wildlife. Journal of Coastal Research. Special Issue 56: 1537-1541.

7. Robertson, C., Nelson, T.A., Jelinski, D.E., Wulder, M.A. and Boots, B. (2009). Spatial-temporal analysis of species’ range expansion: the case of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae. Journal of Biogeography. 36(8):1446-1458. DOI

6. Robertson, C., Farmer, C.J.Q., Nelson, T.A., Mackenzie, I.K., Wulder, M.A. and White, J.C. (2009). Determination
of the compositional change (1999-2006) in the pine forests of British Columbia due to mountain pine beetle infestation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 158:593-608.


5. Robertson, C. and Farmer, C.J. (2008) Developing an open-source framework for surveillance and analysis of emerging zoonotic diseases. Proceedings of the Fifth National Symposium on Geo-Informatics of the Geo-Informatics Society of Sri Lanka. p. 123-134, July 25, 2008, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

4. Robertson, C., Wulder, M.A., Nelson, T.A., and White, J.C. 2008. Risk rating for mountain pine beetle infestation
of lodgepole pine forests over large areas with ordinal regression modelling. Forest Ecology and Management. 256(5):900-912.

3. Nelson, T.A., Duffus, D. Robertson, C. and Feyrer, L-J (2008) Spatial-temporal patterns in intra-annual gray whale foraging: characterizing interactions between predators and prey in Clayquot Sound, British Columbia, Canada. Marine Mammal Science. 24(2): 356-370.


2. Robertson, C., Nelson, T.A., Boots, B. and Wulder, M.A. (2007) STAMP : Spatial – temporal analysis of moving polygons. Journal of Geographical Systems. 9: 207-227.

1. Robertson, C., Nelson, T.A., and Boots, B. (2007) Mountain pine beetle dispersal: the spatial-temporal interactions of infestation. Forest Science. 53(2):395-405.